We strive to be a church that meets you where you are in whatever stage of faith you may be in.

Here are a few opportunities for you to take the next step in growing your faith and getting connected to our church community!



If you are new to The Crossing, Connect At The Crossing is a great way to learn more about who we are, what we believe, and how you can get involved. Come meet some of our staff over a free lunch and ask questions you might have about our church. Visit our Events page to see when the next Connect At The Crossing is scheduled.


At The Crossing, we believe change happens best in community with others. LIFE GROUPS are the optimal opportunity to establish relationships with other members of our church family and share life with them...because life is meant to be done together. In a LIFE GROUPS you will be encouraged to grow in closer relationship with God and with others.



It's our desire to make fully devoted followers of Christ who love God, love people, and serve the world. Going Deeper Classes are interactive Bible studies that are designed to help Christians mature in their faith and grow deeper in relationship with God. Visit our Events page to view upcoming Going Deeper Classes we're currently offering.


We believe that the local church is the hope of the world. Therefore, it is our goal to spread the love of Christ with the gifts that God has designed us to use. The impact of people taking the time to serve others in Christ’s name can result in significant life-change. Whether you have a little or a lot of time, consider volunteering to begin or continue creating that impact!